Cheryl F.

Cheryl F.

Member since: 14-04-2012


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Sunny spacious double level bedroom with shared bathroom Kapstadt, Südafrika

Sunny spacious double level bedroom with shared bathroom


Kapstadt, Südafrika (Karte anzeigen!)


Guest: 1 Für 16,05 € pro Nacht

Hey, mein Name ist Cheryl F.

Member Since April 2012
Motherly, kind, warm and hospitable middle aged woman. Listener, homemaker, cook, housekeeper and driver. We have a shuttle service offering peninsular tours and transfers. Being in my 50's and a mother for more than 30 odd years of my life, I have grown into the proverbial mother figure. Looking after people is what I do. Making them warm, feeding them and making sure they are comfortable and happy is part of my character. Just to break out of the mold I ride a motorcycle whenever I get the chance.
  • Sprachen: Nicht freigegeben
  • Arbeit: self employed